Tuesday, February 17, 2015

RL5: Interviews, cont'd

More thoughts on trying to "engineer" interviews:

The act of questioning is inherently provocative. While the interviewer shouldn't be afraid of silence (given all the reading I've done on interviews, it's a rookie concern), one still has to wrestle the rhetoric in order to keep the flow of thoughts going, so it's best to stage your questions so they are answered loosely and comfortably. "Icebreaking" talk is a must, because an interview should strive to have the cadence of actual conversation.

The interviewer has to rely much on wit to phrase things to get natural responses, so it's best to incorporate phrases like "start at the beginning..." into hindsight to want to influence the listener to give you a surplus of information.

Reading plenty of interviewing theory is making me question my own methods, which have been tested sporadically in the past year or so. This may seem trivial for some, but we have to hammer these concepts into our method of speaking since we're trying to engineer not only a conversation but also an article.

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